REST: Take enough
time to rest. A tired body and a tired mind finds it very difficult to cope
with the challenges of daily life and living. Go to sleep around 10.00 or 10.30
and wake up at around 5.00 or 5.30. Working late hours is a myth and only
brings suffering and sickness in later years.
Work: Learn to
share, distribute or delegate your work, among your colleagues. You will be
surprised at the amount of joy you will create in your own and others lives. Be
aware that the limitations of physical time do not allow any single individual,
(however clever and efficient) to do everything under the sun.
aware of the fears that prevent you from sharing your work and responsibilities
with colleagues and confreres.
Nourishment: Make
sure you take enough and healthy nourishment. Be aware about your beliefs,
fears and hang-ups concerning the food you eat. Eating is a trained habit,
formed from beliefs generally made in childhood. Habits can be changed. Food as
such NEVER causes sickness.
Exercise: Take time to exercise your body. A brisk
walk, with head held high and hands swinging, early in the morning, definitely
is a very useful beginning of the day. Combine this with positive affirmations
and deep breathing, and you are guaranteed a healthy and happy life.
Holistic: Have a holistic approach to life. Body, Mind and Spirit. When the three
are in alignment, you are assured of health and happiness. The Body gives physical signals (aches,
pains, etc) and the Spirit gives
emotional Signals (anger, depression, etc) that all is not well in the Mind.
Privacy: Keep enough time and space for your
personal self. Love thy neighbour as thyself…Lev.19/18 Mat.19/19. Take time to
be STILL, IN BODY MIND AND SPIRIT. Do the things you really like doing. Reading , writing,
listening to music, being with people you love, gardening or relaxing in a
Healing: Take time to heal
yourself. Practice positive affirmations daily. Let go of memories. Forgive
yourself and every one in your life. Start training yourself, to stop
criticizing and punishing, yourself and others.
The above is not exhaustive. I am sure
there is a lot more you can add to it. But remember “… an oak tree takes a
hundred years to grow! If you want an oak tree, plant it today, not tomorrow!”
by malcolm sj