Wednesday, January 10, 2018

What are you doing to improve the Quality of your Life - Part 3

A stage of Meaningful quality in your life.

1.    Do you have a purpose in life! Why were you born!

a.    Consider this: Your purpose in life is to know who you are:-
                                          i.    Are you your Body? Your mind?Your Education? Your degrees?
                                        ii.    Are you your heritage? Your family? Your background? Your caste? Your creed? Your religion?
                                       iii.    Are you your wealth, your possessions? Money? Land?
                                       iv.    What about the position you hold? Your achievements? Your Degrees? 
                          Your awards?
                                        v.    Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Husband, Wife, you name it?

b.    All this will pass away! So WHO indeed are you?
c.    Another Consideration: The only thing that does not change:- you came with it, and will go with it when everything else has disintegrated: Call it Spirit – Soul – Atman.
d.    You never were born – you always existed – when this so called sojourn on Earth began, you were given a body, but you always existed, and this body will one day disintegrate, but you will live – as spirit as you were before.
e.    But maybe not exactly as before – you will have now a deeper consciousness of who you. And I would dare to suggest, you will have a Divine Consciousness.
f.     I would believe, we are all part of the Divine, and our purpose in life, is not only to become aware of this Divine Consciousness, but to share it with all of creation around me, thus creating a world of Love, Peace and Joy.
g.    I come from God! I live in God! I will go Back to God.

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