My Experience.

In life, there are neither rewards nor
punishments. There are only consequences.
Sickness is
the consequence of the way we live. You just repeat this to anyone, and you
will see how vehemently they will deny it. To most people sickness “just
happens”, or they believe they picked it up from some unhygienic place or situation or person.
beliefs, our emotional baggage – that is, the memories of hurts, rejection,
traumas, death of a dear one, or whatever have created fear and insecurity
in our lives. These eventually act on our glands, heart, organs etc. And so we fall sick.
Drop your Emotional Baggage
Among the sick persons, I have come across, there were those who were eager to get well and they were very much open to thinking out of the box. These soon learned and understood that their sickness was a result of the emotional baggage they were carrying. While taking the help of medicines and Doctors, they also worked at healing their memories, their relationships, and mending their lifestyle and food habits. (Bad lifestyles and food habits are a result of hanging on to emotional baggage.) These went into counseling, meditation, yoga, walking, exercising in general, and corrected their eating habits. They detached themselves from their emotional baggage and quickly returned to good health and happiness, no matter what their sickness.
People who often don't heal!
Sickness - A Gift to complete Healing!
Sickness is like a red flag, warning you that it's time to take a look at yourself. Please!
Whatever be your sickness, even if it be Cancer, or rather I’d say,
particularly Cancer, be sure you can be cured. Yes, you heard me correctly.
Cancer can be and is cured. Every sickness can be cured including the
so-called incurable sicknesses. There is enough evidence to that effect. Choose to ask yourself; what is my sickness telling me about myself, my life. Choose
to live a healthy and happy life.
Suggested Reading:
- "The Secret Language of your Body" by Inna Segal.
- "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay
Steps to
heal your life, in my next blog Post!