Friday, February 26, 2010


I wonder how many of us choose to be happy. Perhaps happiness is not even there on our menu of choices. What is worse (I believe) that most of us don't even believe that happiness is a result of choices we make. I guess that many of us may think happiness comes from getting the chocolate I want, regardless. The end result is, that if I don't get what I want, I get irritated, angry or downright mad at every one.
As a matter of fact, happiness is not a destination or something to be achieved. Happiness is the way. We must be happy in everything we do, no matter what. From drinking a cup of coffee to handling a major job. We give our best when we are happy and enjoying whatever it is we are doing.
Happiness is an attitude that needs to be cultivated very early in childhood. Happy parents bring up happy children.
Choose today to express happiness from your heart and enliven every thing you do.
Choose today to be happy rather than right!
Choose today to be happy rather than successful!
Make happiness your way of life!!!

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