Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Another View Point of the Emotional Baggage we Carry.

Here I place before you two videos that speak about Emotional Baggage and the effect it has on our health. Within these two videos is also embedded so to say the idea of how we could deal with our Emotional Baggage.

The First Video is Joseph Murphy. I am sure many of you have read his books. 

This second Video is Dr. Hegde speaking at Mediquest. It's quite likely you have listened to him on your WhatsApp messages.

Our Lives are precious. I hope and pray that our will to be happy and fulfill our mission on earth is much stronger than our fear of the past. Often we give more power to our fears than to the Love of the life that God has given us. We absolutely must give up our victim roles and take up inspirational and leadership roles. No one can make us happy and no one can make us sad. We need very badly to take responsibility for our happiness and health today.

This blog post is only an interim post. I have not had time to write. I will write. Blessings to all of you.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Create A New Earth A New World A New Life


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” Genesis 1:1-2

Now I am a Christian and a Catholic to boot; so everyone may not resonate with my thinking. That’s fine. On the other hand, deep down in our hearts I’m sure, is a deep longing to return to our source, our Origin, wherever or whatever that might be, regardless of what our religious beliefs and affiliations might be, including those who do not believe in God (atheists?), Some call this source God, some prefer to call it Vital Force Energy, some say Divine Energy.

Saint Augustine states it very succinctly, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”

I often imagine the Spirit of God hovering over the earth, constantly taking note of all that is going on and happening. And then I begin to wonder, does God / Divine  Spirit worry about all that is happening in the world? But then can the Divine worry? I should think not. A quote from a novel I read a long time ago comes to my mind, “God is not dead, he refuses to get involved”, from The Drifters by James A Michener.

The smell of fear and death is all pervading. We have tired of knocking at the doors of Doctors Clinics and Hospitals, we have despaired of help from Government and government agencies, we

have quarrelled and abused family members for not being there for us. And now we come begging to God. “If you really exist then why don’t you do something”. God is not dead he refuses to get involved. Or is He? I mean Dead? Or did I mean Deaf?

Now why is it that in whatever situation we find ourselves, we
always look outside ourselves: be it for affirmation, be it for solutions, be it in sickness, you name it. It never occurs to us to look into ourselves, to introspect, to take responsibility. You disagree? I’m sure you do. And so we come up with blaming statements like: the government has failed us, the medical fraternity has failed us, you can’t depend on any one today (neither kith nor kin), you can’t trust anyone, they are all cheats, all they want is to rob you….stop, stop, stop!!!!

This Pandemic is a case in point. We have run out of ideas just as it seems we have run out of vaccines and oxygen which we thought would save us finally. Let us not run out of Faith, Hope and Love and Self-Responsibility.

Go to God? Yes indeed! But not a God outside of myself. Once

again the Book of Genesis comes to our rescue. (Oh! You need not believe in it, it just echoes the throbbing of the ages of man’s heart) The Book of Genesis comes under the category of “Primeval history”. There is nothing historical about it. It states, “God created man in his own image and likeness, in his own image he created him”. And you might ask me, “do you really belive that?” Yes I do, far more than I believe in any Government, Science, Medical establishment. What that means is that I have within me all the resources I need to face any situation I might possibly face. Yes go to God, the God in your heart. Introspect.

Change your energy level. Instead of blame, let us send blessings, instead of fault finding, let us be compassionate, let us be grateful for all that we have ever received; our gift of life, the natural gifts of our bodies: Eyes, Ears, a Heart that beats night and day, our blood that circulates 24x7, Oh! Yes our lungs, liver, kidneys and all the rest. We have taken everything we have for granted, and used them ruthlessly having absolutely no regard for them. And what about the gift of nature that God gave us. The only natural source of Oxygen our beautiful trees we have selfishly cut down just as we have destroyed the natural resources of life giving water; and where has it led us; I shall not speak more. I think you get the point.

The situation all around us is simply an expression of who we are inside of ourselves. To change the world, we need to change ourselves. When we live a life of peace and compassion, being grateful for all that is, most certainly we will create a new world. So release the power of Love and Forgiveness and as Eckhart Tolle would say, "Create A New Earth"

Suggested readings: "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle, "The Gentle Art of Blessing" by Pierre Pradervand.




Thursday, May 6, 2021

A Personal Response to Covid-19

I am a senior citizen, soon to become seventy four in a few days. Apart from that I am a diabetic since the last forty years suffering from peripheral neuropathy as well. In short, I am what is termed as a high-risk patient. Apart from that I am happy to say I neither smoke nor drink Alcohol.

Let me start from this point. I was a social drinker and a rather heavy smoker. Fortunately, it was on being diagnosed with Diabetes, that I began a process of introspection. I realized that I was damaging my internal organs. With much difficulty I stopped drinking and smoking completely. (Thank you Diabetes, you saved my life.)

Confronted with Covid-19 since the last one year and forced into isolation, I felt I was once again being gifted by life the opportunity to introspect.

The basis of a healthy Spiritual life is Conversion. 

There is only so much one can look outside for health and healing or for that matter “Happiness”, that elusive state of mind, for which we are always searching, but it always seem to remain just out of our reach.

Today, after a year of introspection, I have to confess, happiness is not outside of me, but very much a part of me, within me, an expression of me. It only needs to be uncovered. Circumstances of birth and life, always create for us a belief in conditional love. It has been no different for me. Most of us unfortunately never really get of that treadmill of our search for happiness, our search for love, “unconditional Love”. Instead, like being trapped in sinking sands, we get disappointed, hurt, frustrated angry and get more deeply sucked into bitterness and depression. This soon creates a “depression” of our all-powerful, God given Immune System. Result: we are open to every sickness and disease. And worse to Auto-immune sicknesses that attack the very immune system that is meant to protect our bodies.

In this last year of Covid isolation, I got a chance of being, so to say in a prolonged retreat of silence, prayer, reading, music and confronting myself, my beliefs, my attitudes, my relationships, and most of all my preparedness for the ultimate reality – Death.

I spent time in sincere forgiveness. Asking God for forgiveness and people for forgiveness is totally secondary. In fact it is not even necessary. Primarily I realized, I have to forgive myself. 

It’s only now that I have learned to address the God in my heart. It is only now that I understand those famous words of Jesus from the Cross, “Father forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing”. Jesus exonerates his accusers; he declares them innocent. There is NOTHING to forgive.

Happiness is Unconditional Love. No one owes you and you owe no one. Drop all your expectations, all your attachments, all your fears, hurts and whatever; allow pure love to rise to the surface, to your consciousness. Become Love, become Divine and no sickness will touch you.

“….they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” Mark 16:18

A final word. I have not become a saint. Far from it. But I do experience a deep abiding Peace.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

God's Gift Of Creation

Thursday, May 30, 2019


My Agony:

The Emotional Pain, Sadness, Suffering, Anger, Fear, Hurt, Guilt, Helplessness Confusion, Hatred, Revenge, etc., etc. that is in me and the world around me. 

My Emotional & Moral Sickness:

Depression, Loneliness, Rejection, Divorce, Alcoholism, Drugs, Substance Abuse, Suicide, Loss of Faith, Moral Degradation, broken families, child abuse, extra-Marital relationships, etc., etc.

My Physical Sickness:

Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, AIDS, Tumours, Heart Problems, Diabetes, Sicknesses of every Organ in the Body, Bone Structure and whatever else you can think of including the Skin and every Sickness and Disease caused by germs, etc.

My Desire:

That I be happy as well as make a small contribution to world peace by accepting, persons, situations and events with compassion and love, just as they are, and not as I would like them to be. Furthermore, that I would have the courage not to manipulate or change a situation or another person to suit my perceptions.

The Tragedy: 

The scene looks hopeless. Often, we just endure, break down, become sick. What is worse, we end up becoming oppressors. In all this, children not only suffer the most, but they, who were once victims, now in turn when they become adults, become the oppressors and replay the whole process all over again.

Our Justification:

Justified anger is the biggest block, the biggest weapon of the EGO.

The second block is my duty. It is my duty to correct them. If I don’t correct them then who will correct them. Often we do not understand that we are playing out our own childhood script. Our own childhood hurts and angers.

The third. The EGO once again. They must know who is Boss. Who is in charge.

I’m sure each one of us has our own reasons for being angry, hurt, hurtful, rejecting, rejected, selfish, hating, hateful, drinking, abusive, womanizing, criticizing, gossiping, beating our children, fighting in the family and all the rest.

Except where does our justification take us? Do we wish to be happy and healthy or miserable, sick and broken!

Conversion: Light will dawn only when I get tired of my own behavior, ask myself, “Was I born in this world, to live this miserable life? Is there no better way of living?” Why me? What have I done to deserve all this? Then why? Why God, why?

Unfortunately not many survive this tragic downward spiral of self-justification. It often leads to substance abuse (alcoholism, drugs), depression, hatred and even suicide.

Yet there are also those of us who see the Light! They begin to understand they are on a road to nowhere. There must be another way they reason out. They begin to introspect. They begin to  let the Light in. The Divine Light begins to dispel the Darkness within their soul. That is the moment when they stop BLAMING!!! Blaming God, their spouse, their children, their neighbor, their boss, their country or whoever.

It’s time for me to take responsibility now. To CARE-front my life. It is time for me to sit quietly and take a second look at my life. To talk to a friend. To get help. With humility I will have to ask myself: WHO AM I?


Transformation or Conversion is a process of moving from hatred to love. It is a call to forgiving Love. Forgiving Love first and foremost to myself. I must have the humility to accept that I have lived a loveless life, terrorizing myself as well as others.

The thoughts of Jesus may be inspiring: “Love thy neighbor as thyself” (Mat. 22:39) and yet again: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”. (Mat. 5:44)

So at this moment think of someone, anyone because of whom you are suffering: Husband, Wife, Child, In-laws, relative, anyone. Consider this a moment of Grace. Am I willing to love this person or persons? Am I willing to change my anger, hatred, rejection into forgiving love, patience, understanding, acceptance or whatever.

True it’s not easy. What stops me? I hardly know. I am hardly aware as to what is going on within me. For all my consciousness is pointing to the other as my source of suffering! For healing to happen, I need to change my focus from the other to myself. I need to get in touch with myself. What is my attachment, what is my belief about what is happening.

I need to get back to my Source. The God who gave me life. I need to re-educate myself. To learn to love myself. To know that I am complete in myself and do not need anyone, anything, nor any power. I need to let go of my attachment. I need to surrender to the Divine.

I am free now to live a life of fulfillment and happiness.