Friday, January 19, 2018

Prayer to Heal Your Life

For the gift of my life. 
I am beautiful, I am wonderful
I am your image and likeness. 
I am the temple of your spirit. 
I love and appreciate myself, 
I accept myself 
with deep joy and happiness 
Thank you Lord 
for the gift of my life.

Thank you lord,
For the many persons in my life;
My parents, my brothers and sisters,
(my husband/wife/children)
My relatives and friends.
I believe that they all love me
and I love and accept them all.

Thank you Lord,
For all those who have loved me
And continue loving me still.
Thank you Lord, For all those
Who find it difficult to love me.
I thank you too, for all those whom
I find it difficult to love.
I am willing to love and accept them.

I do not always love myself,
I do not always love other persons.
I am willing to forgive myself,
I am willing to forgive others.
Yes I love myself,
Thank you Lord
For the gift of my life.
Finally I thank you lord
for loving me unconditionally

                                                                                   By Br. Malcolm SJ

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