Thursday, May 6, 2021

A Personal Response to Covid-19

I am a senior citizen, soon to become seventy four in a few days. Apart from that I am a diabetic since the last forty years suffering from peripheral neuropathy as well. In short, I am what is termed as a high-risk patient. Apart from that I am happy to say I neither smoke nor drink Alcohol.

Let me start from this point. I was a social drinker and a rather heavy smoker. Fortunately, it was on being diagnosed with Diabetes, that I began a process of introspection. I realized that I was damaging my internal organs. With much difficulty I stopped drinking and smoking completely. (Thank you Diabetes, you saved my life.)

Confronted with Covid-19 since the last one year and forced into isolation, I felt I was once again being gifted by life the opportunity to introspect.

The basis of a healthy Spiritual life is Conversion. 

There is only so much one can look outside for health and healing or for that matter “Happiness”, that elusive state of mind, for which we are always searching, but it always seem to remain just out of our reach.

Today, after a year of introspection, I have to confess, happiness is not outside of me, but very much a part of me, within me, an expression of me. It only needs to be uncovered. Circumstances of birth and life, always create for us a belief in conditional love. It has been no different for me. Most of us unfortunately never really get of that treadmill of our search for happiness, our search for love, “unconditional Love”. Instead, like being trapped in sinking sands, we get disappointed, hurt, frustrated angry and get more deeply sucked into bitterness and depression. This soon creates a “depression” of our all-powerful, God given Immune System. Result: we are open to every sickness and disease. And worse to Auto-immune sicknesses that attack the very immune system that is meant to protect our bodies.

In this last year of Covid isolation, I got a chance of being, so to say in a prolonged retreat of silence, prayer, reading, music and confronting myself, my beliefs, my attitudes, my relationships, and most of all my preparedness for the ultimate reality – Death.

I spent time in sincere forgiveness. Asking God for forgiveness and people for forgiveness is totally secondary. In fact it is not even necessary. Primarily I realized, I have to forgive myself. 

It’s only now that I have learned to address the God in my heart. It is only now that I understand those famous words of Jesus from the Cross, “Father forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing”. Jesus exonerates his accusers; he declares them innocent. There is NOTHING to forgive.

Happiness is Unconditional Love. No one owes you and you owe no one. Drop all your expectations, all your attachments, all your fears, hurts and whatever; allow pure love to rise to the surface, to your consciousness. Become Love, become Divine and no sickness will touch you.

“….they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” Mark 16:18

A final word. I have not become a saint. Far from it. But I do experience a deep abiding Peace.


  1. Thanks for your Deep and Sincere Sharing Malcolm. God bless you. Your inner happiness is your state of being in Oneness with God.

  2. Touching and close to heart. Thank you for sharing. you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.

  3. Amazing article brother. Happiness is unconditional love, no one owes you and you owe no one - liberating thought!

  4. Thank you dear Malcolm. It was indeed a sincere sharing. Your openness is very remarkable. Ones inner happiness is his/her own way of loving himself/herself and being connected to the Creator. Thank you and Bless you

  5. Life gives us many opportunities to look into ourselves and introspect our thoughts, feelings, relationships, attitudes, dealings with others, etc. In the process our inner growth takes place if we really want to transform ourselves. Thank you Malcolm for sharing such beautiful thoughts... I am sure each one of us has a story which if unfolded will definitely help us to find the meaning of true happiness and forgiveness.

  6. Thank you for sharing your experiences from the heart. 'Become love' is such a beautiful way of looking at life and the reason for being.

    1. Touching and close to heart. Thank you for sharing. you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.
      Thanks for your Deep and Sincere Sharing Malcolm. God bless you. Your inner happiness is your state of being in Oneness with God.


      DanielMay 6, 2021 at 10:02 AM
      Touching and close to heart. Thank you for sharing. you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.


      AnishaMay 6, 2021 at 2:10 PM
      Amazing article brother. Happiness is unconditional love, no one owes you and you owe no one - liberating thought!


      TerryMay 6, 2021 at 3:53 PM
      Thank you dear Malcolm. It was indeed a sincere sharing. Your openness is very remarkable. Ones inner happiness is his/her own way of loving himself/herself and being connected to the Creator. Thank you and Bless you


      Divya RJMMay 6, 2021 at 10:07 PM
      Life gives us many opportunities to look into ourselves and introspect our thoughts, feelings, relationships, attitudes, dealings with others, etc. In the process our inner growth takes place if we really want to transform ourselves. Thank you Malcolm for sharing such beautiful thoughts... I am sure each one of us has a story which if unfolded will definitely help us to find the meaning of true happiness and forgiveness.


      BonitaMay 6, 2021 at 10:25 PM
      Thank you for sharing your experiences from the heart. 'Become love' is such a beautiful way of looking at life and the reason for being.


  7. Thanks Malcolm for sharing your inner journey. An inspiration to me to delve within and come to that space of inner serenity .... and hopefully to respond to the turmoil without, with compassion

  8. Dear Malcolm
    Thank you for reconnecting with me. I have always been inspired by you and i experience God in You!
    United in Jesus our Way, Truth and Life to reach the Father,
    Prema Devaraj

  9. Thank you my dear Malcolm.for your sincere sharing. and living life fully alive in God.. i get lot of inspiration from you. Keep it up.Nimmi

  10. Dear Br. Malcolm. Sincerely I appreciate yourdown to earth sharing.The Divine presence in you indeed speaks much of you. None of us are perfect but I belive "Trying times are Precious" and they have moulded you immensely. Thank you for enlightening me through this article that "being is important than doing"
    love and prayers.

  11. Very inspiring. Thanks Br. Malcolm.
