Has it ever occured to you that by virtue of your birth, you are born to be a leader and guide. No matter who you are, what your background or situation, cast or creed, rich or poor, male or female. By virtue of belonging to the human family, you are meant to be a Leader from the very first moment of your existence. Meaning to say, you are born to be a teacher, a guide, a giver of life, a leader, To quote Jesus: "The thief come only in order to steal, kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, life in its fullest measure." Jn 10:10. I believe, like Jesus we are all born to give life.
Unfortunately this does not really happen, does it? I mean most of us if not all, rarely feel we are Leaders or Life Givers right from birth. On the contrary most of us feel we are victims. Life seems to be painful, or at best meaningless and a struggle.
Being born of Parents who were themselves victims and sufferers, we soon learn from them to become carbon copies and think that this is the truth about life. Life is a struggle. We soon identify with the negatives of life, and often get drowned in them. We learn to distrust ourselves and others. We learn that we are not complete in ourselves and need others, material things and power to make us happy. We learn fear, anger, hatred and more. Soon unhappiness becomes a way of life.
A sad outcome of all this is that we begin to look outside of ourselves to fulfill the emptiness within, to find peace and pleasure; not realising that we are stepping into sinking sand and only getting sucked deeply into misery, fear, hate and suffering. Short term pleasure and quick fixes like alchohol, drugs, sex as well as emotional addictions and conflicts become our staple.
What do you have to say? Please write your comments and questions.
Take time to reflect on the above and look forward to my next Post.